Impact Students

sunday Service


impact students - May

May Series: 

Sunday Nights in May- 6:00pm @ Impact Church

In May, Impact Students will continue our series ENOUGH. Our relationships with our families can sometimes feel a little bit like a way-too-competitive game night. With our families, sometimes it's fun . . . but other times, we might fight for first place, gang up on each other, betray each other, and walk away with frustration and hurt feelings. Families can be sources of joy and laughter but also stress and tension. But what if our families could be places where we could all help each other win? In this four-week series from the New Testament, we’ll look at how the earliest followers of Jesus created a new kind of community as God's family. Through their example, we’ll learn that there is enough when we share what we have — and if there isn’t enough, God provides. We'll also learn that our actions can speak when words aren’t enough and that God’s love is always enough.

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Impact Students

Impact Students offers you an opportunity to join other students through a journey of life, be an encouragement to each other, and learn to be unashamed of discovering who God has called you to be in this world! If you are in 6th through 12th grade this a great place for you to be!

join us

We meet on Sunday Nights @ 6:00 pm, but feel free to come early for basketball and other games at 5:30pm.  Our time together is packed with fun, encouraging messages, and great time connecting with other students. We also have snacks and drinks available for you to enjoy during our time together. 

"I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by you. Because I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the power of Christ in those who believe." Romans 1:12&16